February 6, 2025


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Absolutely free artwork for your Frame TV

Absolutely free artwork for your Frame TV

If you know me, you know I’m a bit obsessed with my tv.  It’s one of those framed ones that I pined for for years before finally treating myself. I don’t know what took me so long. (Oh yea right. I’m cheap.)  It’s just a regular tv when its on but allows you to leave digital artwork displayed when its off. It’s a small difference but just looks so much better than the usual black mirror. 

The maker offers an artwork subscription service but it seemed a bit limited (also see cheap point above).  I quickly realized its pretty easy to load anything you want on there (albeit not the most intuitive setup) so I got to work to find artwork I enjoyed.  I like to change it up with the seasons and holidays. Much to my shock I’ve had a really hard time finding completely free artwork for the Samsung Frame TV.  There are lots of sellers on Etsy charging (which is totally fine and worth it if you are in a rush or don’t want to change the artwork 200x a year!) but truly free, no strings attached?  Slim pickings!

So since I just went through the trouble to find some fun Valentine’s Day artwork and set it up in the right dimensions for the Frame TV, I thought it would be worth sharing.  Just download these images to your phone and then use your tv’s app to upload them to the artwork section. I think they look best without a matte but feel free to play around with it. You’re welcome!

Extra points for anyone who notices my orchids are reblooming. Yes, they do come back!

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