How to actually make a difference with quality improvement
Every EMS system has some type of quality function. They may brag about peer review, 100% chart audit or how fully integrated training is with QI. Yet, when you ask them what they have actually made better, they look like a deer caught in the headlights.
In an interactive session, on Tuesday, April 19, at 1 p.m. CT, FirstWatch Improvement Guide, Mike Taigman; and incoming National EMS Management Association President, Brooke Burton, will show you how senior leaders can take ownership of quality improvement. You’ll see how you can improve resuscitation rates, pain management, 911 call-to-balloon time, the percentage of fires contained to the room of origin, and anything else that matters in your system. You’ll learn how to use data effectively and efficiently to make this happen.
This patient-centered approach helps you clarify what to monitor, how to track it, and how to make meaningful improvements.
FirstWatch added, “Most EMS quality improvement systems have never improved anything. In this session, you’ll learn how to build something that actually makes a difference.”
Register today for, “Rethinking Quality Management from the Top Down”
Presented by Fitch & Associates, this Pinnacle Webinar is sponsored by FirstWatch.
The Pinnacle Webinar Series is produced in cooperation with Pinnacle Media Partner EMS1. Ninth Brain is Fitch & Associates’ Learning Partner.
About the speakers
Mike Taigman, MA, FAEMS
Mike Taigman, MA, FAEMS has been involved with EMS quality improvement for 34 of his nearly 48 years in the industry. He serves as the improvement guide for FirstWatch, a real-time data analytics and performance improvement support organization that “helps the helpers” improve their systems. He is also an assistant professor teaching improvement science in the MS – Healthcare Administration and Interprofessional Leadership program at the University of California San Francisco and the Masters of Emergency Health Services Management program at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
Brooke Burton, NRP, FACPE
Brooke Burton is the quality improvement and substance manager for the Unified Fire Authority in Salt Lake City. She’s been involved in EMS quality improvement for two decades. Brooke is the president-elect for the National EMS Management Association (NEMSMA). She serves as the vice-president of the Board of the National EMS Quality Alliance (NEMSQA) and is on the faculty for the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) Quality and Safety Course.